Sunday, October 18, 2015

playing games on pc- take care of your health

Are you in love with pc games? If 'yes' then it's o.k. and it's o.k. even if you are not. In fact it's better.
If you are very passionate to pc games, take care of the following-
1-A game on pc can never replace your physical activities' benefits. Go out, choose a ground and try some sports.
2-Make sure you are not 'addicted' to games.2-3 hours a day are more than enough to spend on a game on pc. Recommended - just 1 hour.
3-Take care of your eyes. It is noticed that we don't blink while playing games on pc. It makes our eyes' natural fluid dry and really very very harmful for our eyes. Solution- pause the game after every 10 minutes and look around to relax your 'wide opened' eyes.
4-Playing on a keyboard for longer causes pain to your shoulder. There are nerves stressed while you play the game using your fingers on a keyboard and you can feel this just after half an hour. Many of the keyboards come with the health instructions. Using a gamepad could be a solution but only if you spend a sensible hour for playing.
5-Don't sit too near to your monitor. It emits rays and light directly to your eyes.The  recommended distance between your eyes and monitor is 4ft. at least. If you can afford, try to have a projector and you can double your gameplay time as a projector screen sends reflected light to your eyes.
6-Having a 5.1 or 7.1 sound system with a great sound card? Or you like to use a headphone ? Sorry, but both are not good for you. A big sound system tempts you to keep the volume louder than accepted parameters for your ears and on the other hand, earphones or headphones are never recommended for more than half an hour at a stretch. So, keep the volume down, take off your ear plugs and enjoy the game.
7-See what you are choosing to sit. It could be anything from a stool to a couch but make sure you are never lying down or 'almost lying' while you are playing a game. I recommend a stool which never let's you do that. Also check the height of the furniture you are sitting on. Your eyes must be equal to the height of the screen you are watching. Mind your posture too. Keep your back straight so you wont become a nasty old person when you grow old.
8-Pay attention to your family- this is the most harmful feature considered for gamers. They avoid their mom's call for food, keep sitting for hours in their rooms totally aloof, avoid to go anywhere with the family for outing so they can play peacefully while their family is out. All these habits isolate you from family and society. Next time, try to play soccer with your friends in a real football ground....believe me, it's far better.
And the last benefit......the least you play on pc.....the least you spend for your games on pc...more money to buy other luxuries of life:-)

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