Sunday, October 4, 2015

MAD MAX -a single disc karizma

Mad Max (2015 video game)

Mad Max is a 2015 single-player third-person open-world adventure video game developed by Avalanche Studios.


Following the theft of his V8 Interceptor by marauders, Max embarks on a perilous journey to reclaim his legendary vehicle.[1] Max joins forces with Chumbucket, an "idiot savant sidekick", and commandeers an all-new vehicle capable of heavy customization - the "Magnum Opus". [2] Fighting his way toward his vehicle, Max will encounter many others throughout the outback, both friend and foe. Ultimately, Max quests to find the "Plains of Silence", a fabled land where he might find solace from his madness. [3]


Avalanche Studios have commented that the game is not based in any country in particular, choosing to base it more upon the mythology, or tone, of the Mad Max film series. Due to this, there are likely to be few recognizable story elements from the films within the game. This has given the developers the ability to shape a post-apocalyptic world that is distinct, yet reminiscent, of the world Max has previously explored. Several locations within the world have been revealed, including: Gas Town, a densely populated urban area; The Great White, a dried out sea-bed dotted with lighthouse-strongholds and rusted ships; and Dead Barren's Pass - an area linking the Great White with Gas Town. [4]
Prior to the apocalypse and the dehydration of the Wasteland, there existed a large city. Parts of this city still remain, including Harbourwall, an industrial area that serviced the oil refinery that later became Gas Town, an airport and a financial district. The receding seas have also unearthed a volcano. [5]

the most attracting this  game has that it's available in a single dvd...full 32 g.b. game and it doesn't take too much time to install. just 1 or 2 hour......

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