Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mad max gun reload error

some of gamers have complained about the constantly reloading of gun by mad max while playing 
the game . Here are some possible  solution that may help you getting rid of this thing. Don't 
forget to help others while you get a fix.

1-if you're talking bout the first time you use the shotgun,just don't,and it works :D(you 
might have to shoot the guy. try doing it by other means and it works after that)
2- set all graphics on normal and the other options off (Bloom and the other things in Graphics)... now it works :D
3 -solution for map crash error -
I was playing it in borderless and when i opened the map it crashed.
Went back to Full screen and wala, it does not crash.
4- if the map crash still happens try to find a fast travel point (the ballon) you will be able to open the map after that 
5-if the game says - '3DMgame.dll missing' than turn your antivirus off and paste the crack again.
6-Confirmed working on W7 What i did - 1. Copy v2 crack into MAD MAX install folder 2. Set time to Beijing,Hong Kong etc. 3. Ran as ADMIN 4. Works , i got past the canteen drinking water part ! 
setting your computer time zone to 'beijing' is really helpful in may cases. Try if to get the game fixed


  1. Thanks, changing the time zone works no more relode

  2. you are welcome Keshav kumar,
    just post a comment and i'll be there to help you always.

  3. it's worked i change timezone to beijing
